日期 | 2023.04.06
NCU and Kagoshima University teamed-up to persue SDGs
作者 | Teaching Center
隸屬單位 | Others
National Central University's USR Project "Ecology, Living, and Economy of Taoyuan Coast – Facilitating the Sustainable Development of Taoyuan's Coastal Environment and Culture" partnered with Kagoshima University to offer online micro-courses on "Regional Revitalization" and "Environmental Sustainability." To enhance the learning experience, faculty and students visited Japan, exploring sustainable practices through community visits and workshops. The group examined sustainable development goals (SDGs) using board games to discuss the balance between economic, environmental, and social issues. This visit bridged academic knowledge with real-world applications, fostering deeper reflection on sustainability and societal challenges.
Kagoshima University organized a full-day workshop on SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), where students and faculty from both universities engaged in board games to explore the connections between the economy, environment, and society. Through these games, participants discussed how to create an inclusive society. Professor Nakaya from Kagoshima University's International Center highlighted the use of backcasting to solve sustainability challenges. By envisioning desired future scenarios (like SDGs), they planned actionable steps to achieve them, encouraging a proactive approach to navigating an ever-changing world.