日期 | 2023.05.30
Good Life Goals, a more approachable version of SDGs
作者 | SD & USR Office
隸屬單位 | Others
Do you feel that the 17 Sustainable Development Goals are far from your daily life and out of reach?
Welcome to learn about Good Life Goals, and you will find that sustainability can actually be integrated into your life without causing too mcuh trouble.
Feel like the 17 Sustainable Development Goals are far away from your daily life? UN “the 10 YFP Sustainable Lifestyles and Education program” also recognizes this. In 2018, it worked with Futerra Sustainability Communications Ltd to jointly published 17 "#GoodLifeGoals", allowing people to know that the concept of sustainability has already long been embedded in daily life. The accumulation of our daily actions, bit by bit, can make our Earth live better and further.
Each of Good Life Goals is composed of 1 "Headline Goal" and 5 "Specific Asks”. The "Headline Goal" is usually the core idea of 17 SDGs, while the 5 "Specific Asks” are composed of 1 learning ask, 3 progressively challenging actions, and 1 change required leaders to procced.
Taking Goal 12: Res as an example, the original context is composed of 11 articles, while Good Life Goals aims to capture its essence:
Headline Goal: Live Better
Specific Asks:
1. Learn about sustainable development
2. Reuse, repair, recycle, share and borrow
3. Waste less food and use leftovers
4. Collect friends and experiences, not just things
5. Demand businesses respect people and planet
See, isn't it more approachable compared to cold, hard articles?
Good Life Goals aim to encourage people to integrate the idea of sustainable into their daily life painlessly, such as dining, clothing, housing, transportation, education, and entertaining activities, and treat themselves, others, and the environment in a friendlier way, and to move towards a better life. You are welcome to start now.
manual: https://docs.wbcsd.org/2018/09/Good_Life_Goals/Manual.pdf
This article is reproduced under the permission of Futerra Sustainability Communications and terms of Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 Unported License (“CCPL”).
The Good Life Goals by Futerra Sustainability Communications Ltd and 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Lifestyles and Education Programme is licenced under CC BY-ND 4.0.