日期 | 2023.02.06

NCU Students volunteered for Covid Prevention

作者 | Office of Student Affairs

隸屬單位 | Others



Since Covid-19 began in 2020, in the spirit of "I have the ability to help”, NCU recruited hundreds of students to join the "volunteers for covid prevention".


Since Covid-19 began in 2020, in the spirit of "I have the ability to help”, NCU recruited hundreds of students to join the "volunteers for covid prevention ", who was divided into 4 groups based on their interests and specialties: 

The “Campus Environment Monitoring” Team: Incorporate creative design or information technology to track changes on campus environment, and provide suggestions for improvement.

The “Activities Promotion” Team: Design outdoor activities to educate visitors or general public about disease prevention.

The "On-Time Response Support" Team: Assist in the digitization of teaching as distant learning service engineer.

The "News Marketing" Team and the "Creative R&D /Design" Team: Use design skills and passion for life care to make artistic works to promote covid prevention.


# 新冠肺炎 # Covid-19 # 志工 # Volenteer # 防疫


NCU News: http://ncusec.ncu.edu.tw/news/headlines_content.php?H_ID=3626


Service Learning Center, Office of Student Affairs
Tel: 03-4227151 ext. 57229