Common Good to Human and the Planet
NCU has a long tradition of promoting sustainable development. Since 1990, when academician Zhao-Han Liu took over as President, NCU has been the first to introduce the concept of "sustainability" to universities in Taiwan, which has now reached its 30th anniversary. In 2021, NCU announced “Humanities care and sustainable development” as core value of university development. By promoting sustainable development actions through USR programs and administrative system, NCU thrives to build a sustainable universities and neighborhood and making social impact.
NCU Actions
On-Campus Actions
Part 2 of SDGs in NCU Forum 2024: Sustainable Energy
On-Campus Actions
NCU make Green Movements via "Reduce Plastic Action" and "Lights Off, Love Earth"
On-Campus Actions
Research Center for Hazard Mitigation Prevention earned recognition from Disaster Management Society of Taiwan
The International Role of Taiwan Polar Institute: Facing the Challenges of Climate Change Together
Researcher Specialites
Center for Environmental Monitoring and Technology, NCU monitors air quality over the Western Pacific
Good Life Goals, a more approachable version of SDGs
NCU won Excellence Award of Taiwan Sustainable University, 2024
Solar Power on Capmus
Real-Time power generation
Office of SD & USR
NCU's Vision on Sustainbility and Social Responsibility
National Central University
A World-Class University Focus on Common Good